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The Poise Brand Passion Award Honors Pelvic Health Champion
The Poise Brand Passion Award Honors Pelvic Health Champion

Neenah, Wis. June 11, 2008 — Eighty percent of women who suffer from light bladder leakage are embarrassed to talk to their peers about this sensitive topic. (1) To help open a dialogue about pelvic health and reverse the stigma often associated with bladder control issues, Kimberly-Clark's Poise brand has partnered with the Women's Health Foundation (WHF) to recognize champions of women's pelvic health.

On June 7, 2008, WHF, a Chicago-based non-profit organization, celebrated its fourth anniversary with "Below the Belt," a benefit to support the Foundation's mission to increase awareness of pelvic health and wellness. During the benefit, the Poise brand presented the inaugural Passion Award to Linda Michael of Portage, Ind. in front of nearly 300 fellow women's health champions.

Nominated by a friend, Linda won the award because her story of personal triumph over pelvic pain and bladder control issues - and her willingness to tell it - has been instrumental in inspiring women and doctors alike.

"We're thrilled to present Linda the first-ever Poise brand Passion Award," said Amy Attenberger, Poise brand manager. "Confident, tenacious and strong, Linda is a remarkable advocate for women's health. We hope that by celebrating Linda, other women will feel supported not only to seek the bladder control treatment that's right for them, but also to help eliminate the taboo often coupled with the topic by talking about it."

"The Passion Award is an important step in recognizing and supporting those who fight for women's health," asserted Missy Lavender, founder and executive director of WHF. "We continue to empower women to become evangelists for pelvic wellness."

Linda's Story

After giving birth to her son (a healthy 10-pound, eight-ounce baby), Linda experienced constant pelvic discomfort and from then on, never felt quite right. For 28 years, she endured chronic pelvic, back and hip pain, incontinence and painful intercourse.

Brushed aside for decades, Linda finally decided that even if a cure proved impossible, she deserved a definitive explanation of her symptoms' cause. She researched female urologists and found one who suggested pelvic floor therapy, a treatment Linda had never heard of, and directed her to the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC).

Thirteen weeks of life-changing therapy alleviated the pain, embarrassment and blame she carried for half her life. Pain-free and active, Linda no longer suffers from incontinence.

Katie Lorenz, a friend from RIC, nominated her for this award "because Linda wouldn't take no for an answer, sought out the best help possible and is willing to share her story to help educate women - and doctors - on under-researched and under-treated women's health issues."


"I'm so vocal about my experience because I learned that the only way to get the answers and treatment I needed was by talking about my situation over and over until I was finally directing my questions to the right person," explained Linda. "My personal goal is to help women suffering from similar health issues realize that incontinence and pelvic pain are not a right of passage after pregnancy. I'm truly humbled to be recognized for my passion in this arena by women's health pioneers like the Poise brand and Women's Health Foundation."

The partnership with Women's Health Foundation is part of the Poise brand's commitment to promoting education surrounding women's health. Other efforts in this arena include support of organizations like Speaking of Women's Health and the Spirit of Women, and distribution of monthly online newsletters designed to encourage and celebrate women in their quest to triumph over personal health issues.

About Poise Brand and Kimberly-Clark

Launched in 1992 by Kimberly-Clark Corporation, Poise brand is the market leader in absorbent protection products for women. Poise products come in three different product forms (liners, ultra thins and pads), five absorbencies (Very Light, Light, Moderate, Maximum and Ultimate) and offer custom product features such as extra coverage, and wings.

Kimberly-Clark and its well-known global brands are an indispensable part of life for people in more than 150 countries. Every day, 1.3 billion people -- nearly a quarter of the world's population -- trust K-C brands and the solutions they provide to enhance their health, hygiene and well-being. With brands such as Kleenex, Scott, Huggies, Pull-Ups, Kotex and Depend, Kimberly-Clark holds No. 1 or No. 2 share positions in more than 80 countries. To keep up with the latest K-C news and to learn more about the company's 136-year history of innovation, visit

About Women's Health Foundation

Women's Health Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to transforming women's lives through pelvic health and fitness. The Foundation's goal is to bring programs such as Total Control&#8482 and other wellness solutions to women in need. The Foundation also co-sponsors research with a number of members in the field of urogynecology. Headquartered in Chicago, Women's Health Foundation sponsors programs in Alaska, Massachusetts, Colorado, Florida, Arizona and throughout the Chicago area.

(1)The National Women's Survey on Aging was commissioned by Poise brand and fielded online by Alan Newman Research through its partnership with e-Rewards. The sample of 1,014 women ages 40 - 65 has a maximum statistical error of + 3.1 percent at the 95 percent level of confidence.